Foyer Fellowship
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Foyer Fellowship

Katy Jensen shares her experience with the Foyer Fellowship and the joy of building community in small groups that meet monthly over a meal.

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The Sacred Call
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The Sacred Call

Katrina Stewart shares her perspective on The Sacred Call, the commissioning of the PASA teachers, to begin the new school year.

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Building Community After School
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Building Community After School

Sharon McElfish, St. Anne’s volunteer, shares her experience volunteering for the Stanton Community Center Tutoring Club. Building relationships with these kids brings her joy.

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Bridging Cultural Divides
Outreach Guest User Outreach Guest User

Bridging Cultural Divides

Linda Adamson, St. Anne’s Ministry Leader, shares the lessons she has learned through the church’s collaboration with Partners in Mission Guatemala, and how this experience speaks to bridging our cultural divide today.

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An Invitation to Evening Prayer
Claire Miller Claire Miller

An Invitation to Evening Prayer

Daniel Sams, Evening Prayer Lay Leader, shares his story about how he came to lead this traditional lay-led prayer service, what he loves about it, and how you can join in.

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A Sense of Belonging
Claire Miller Claire Miller

A Sense of Belonging

Worship at St. Anne’s takes the commitment of many hands and hearts, which includes the dedicated team leaders and members of the Altar Guild and Flower Guild. Read more about what this ministry means to this faithful group of servant leaders.

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Racial Injustice and Disparities Go Hand in Hand
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Racial Injustice and Disparities Go Hand in Hand

Anne Thomas, Co-Chair of St. Anne’s Truth & Reconciliation Ministry, shares her story about seeing the connection between racial injustice and disparities of many kinds and how this connects to the work of the Truth & Reconciliation Ministry.

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Stewards at St. Anne’s
Claire Miller Claire Miller

Stewards at St. Anne’s

“Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.” - 1 Peter 4:10

St. Anne’s is blessed with the responsibility for being stewards of the gift of this historic church, a Parish House and pre-school, and the St. Anne’s/Cedar Bluff Cemeteries. We are also blessed with lay leaders who have a passion for sharing their talents in the service of our mission. 

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Memorial Day -   St. Anne’s Cemetery
Claire Miller Claire Miller

Memorial Day - St. Anne’s Cemetery

“Did you know that St. Anne’s/Cedar Bluff Cemetery has seven WWI and ten WWII graves of men who died in service to our country during these wars?” Ginger DeLuca, Co-Chair of St. Anne’s Cemetery Committee shares some stories about honored veterans who are buried in St. Anne’s/Cedar Bluff Cemetery and how a team led by Denise Robinson works to honor them on Memorial Day.

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Reflections from Eastertide 
Caleb Briggs Caleb Briggs

Reflections from Eastertide 

As we prepare to celebrate the arrival of the Holy Spirit, how are you how are you praying, studying, preparing, or living into being a disciple of Christ?

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Engaging in Discipleship in a Post-Colonial World
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Engaging in Discipleship in a Post-Colonial World

Mary Hearding, PIMIG Executive Committee member, writes “I first went to Guatemala with Partners in Mission when I was sixteen. I had never been to this part of the world, and I had never seen anything like what I was to witness on this trip. I would learn so much about the world, about the magic of people, about the systems designed to ensnare. I’d like to talk a bit about these themes today and propose how we can translate our faith into work that liberates others and reflects our values.”

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Sending Out Disciples - Both Laity and Clergy
Claire Miller Claire Miller

Sending Out Disciples - Both Laity and Clergy

Gail & Chip Tucker, who will be ordained as Deacons on Saturday, May 4th write, “During this Easter season, St. Anne’s blog focuses on discipleship. According to the Episcopal Church’s glossary (, a disciple is a learner who follows a movement or teacher and helps to spread the master's teaching. Tie in our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s idea, and that makes all of us disciples in the Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement! We – laity and clergy alike – learn and follow and spread the teachings of Jesus.”

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Preparing Disciples through Formation
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Preparing Disciples through Formation

Father Dion writes, “our wonderful Scholars on Scripture series has led us into the sacred world of God’s Word where we meet Jesus Christ. This Eastertide finds us reading through the Psalms. This beautiful collection of hymns of praise, lament, and thanksgiving, is a blessing to every disciple who, in the words of one of my favorite Collects, takes the time to “hear them, read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them.” Here we find Christ as well as ourselves. Here we pray and converse with God.”

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Being a  Disciple
Claire Miller Claire Miller

Being a Disciple

Tempest Strunge, St. Anne’s Director of Children and Youth, writes about what being a disciple means today in our parish, and Colin Pascal, St. Anne’s parishioner, shares what the Family Cooking Ministry means to him.

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Blessed are the Women
Claire Miller Claire Miller

Blessed are the Women

Claire Miller, Communications Associate, writes a Lenten Reflection, “Blessed Are the Women”, about the role of women in the Gospel of John and beyond. She invites you to read the 7 Lenten Reflections on the Ministry Blog as you prepare to travel the path with Jesus during Holy Week.

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“Reading and Meditating on God’s Holy Word”
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“Reading and Meditating on God’s Holy Word”

Our Ash Wednesday liturgy invites us to experience Lent in many ways, among them “reading and meditating on God’s holy Word.” Entering scripture takes us into our sacred story. We encounter God’s grand narrative of salvation and find deep resonances with our own lives.

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