Crafting a Rule of Life Fully Registered

We all live by a certain code. Whether or not this code is formalized or life-giving is a question that we need to ponder.  A Christian Rule of Life consists of discernment rooted in prayer, clarity of vision, and engagement with a mission. Our brief offering is an attempt to inspire you to articulate your Rule of Life with a sense of Christian clarity in the context of community.

One of the earliest examples of a rule of life came from the Desert Fathers. These desert saints were a community of mystics living in Egypt around the third century AD.  St. Benedict was so inspired by this mode of living that he crafted the most well-known rule - the Rule of St. Benedict, written fifteen hundred years ago. The Rule of St. Benedict helped his community translate their faith into the habits and rhythms of their daily lives and continued to inspire many communities and individuals to develop their own rules with a similar intention.

More than a list of goals, intentions, and resolutions, a rule of life serves as part of a journey towards God that focuses on an integrated and embodied life. It is predicated on a worldview based on a Christ-centered transcendence that impacts how we see and act in this world.

We will gather on Wednesday evenings.  Due to the nature of this exercise, our gatherings will be limited to 12 people, and will start at 7:00 pm. We will be “on-line.”  

Our textbook will be “Crafting a Rule of Life: An Invitation to the Well-Ordered Way” by Stephen Macchia.  If you would like to participate, please do not let the cost of the text; (available at Amazon and other book retailers) be an impediment. Scholarships for texts are available. A minimum of 6 participants is required for us to launch.

The Rev. Manoj Mathew Zacharia, Ph.D. will serve as the facilitator.

Thank you for the positive response. The class is now fully registered. The online class will begin on Wednesday, September 11 at 7 p.m.  


Prayerful Knitting In-Person Gathering


Save the Date: Sept 20-22 Men's Retreat in Rehobeth DE